Big Shoutout to our Math Teams at Copa Eugene Francis

We're so proud of our students' dedication and passion for competitive math! This school year, they've driven our participation in various events, bringing the Hurricane spirit wherever they went.

A huge shoutout to our Math 1 and Math 2 Teams representing our school at the prestigious 34th edition of the Copa Eugene Francis – the island's longest-running math competition hosted by the UPR-Mayagüez Department of Mathematical Sciences! Special recognition goes to our Math 2 Team for securing an impressive 3rd-place finish. Their fantastic skills were on full display, especially during a tiebreaker round at the end of the competition. 
MATH 1 Team
Jerry Chen (‘24)
Quan Kevin Shan (‘26)
MATH 2 Team - 3rd Place
He Eric Shan (‘28)
Maddox Nguyen (‘28)
Manesh Palai (‘27)

Congratulations, Mathletes! Your passion for competitive math is an inspiration to all.


Saint John’s School

Saint John’s School is a non-profit, college preparatory, nonsectarian, coeducational day school founded in 1915. The school, located in a residential area of Condado, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, has an enrollment of over 800 students from pre pre-kinder to grade twelve. Instruction is mostly in English with the exception of language courses.